Friday, January 27, 2012

Types of Stress

Examples of types of stress

1. Neustress {neither harmful nor helpful to the body/mind}
2. Distress {too much/little arousal causing harm to body/mind}
3. Positive Stress {contributes to health, personal satisfaction and productivity.}

Meeting or engaging in a challenge.
Coming in first place in a race.
Getting a promotion at your job.
Watching a suspenseful or scary movie.
Love, marriage, Sexual intercourse or childbirth.
Riding a roller coaster.
The holidays.
Engaging in exercise, especially weight training.

I suppose something like someone being trapped a burning building.
Or if an older person falls and can't get up.
If someone's broken into your house and you're trapped without a phone to call for help.
Troubled relationships.
When your desk is covered in work you desperately need to get done.
Cramming for a final exam when you don't know anything.
Anything that causes you pain, suffering, agony, grief, sorrow or misery.

Positive Stress
Social - getting a promotion at work
Mental - chatting up someone you are romatically interested in for the first time
physical - having sex
emotional - being in love

The stress an athlete gets before a game helps them perform better. Stress produces chemicals that put us in "fight or flight" mode and those reactions ensure our survival; if you're life was at risk, the stress actually helps you survive.

Which Type of Stresses Affect You?

Most of us just look at life and our stresses without defining what type of stresses we have. There is more than one type of stress affecting us at any time; is it important to know which one affects us?

Every type of Stress affects us…

The stress around us is endless. Stress can come from our work life, home life and life in general. There are many different definitions of stress, from the overly clinical view to the general public’s perception. The types of stress therefore are numerous.

So what types of stress affect us…?

Survival Stress – this is our fright/flight stress, where if you are put in danger, your body reacts to the stress to stay and fight or run away. Today we don’t get chased by too many lions in the street, but our day to day excess work pressures can create this type of feeling on a regular basis. We just adapt to it and class this as routine.

Internal Stress – this is one of the worst types of stress. This is where no matter what type of stress is around you or even if there is little or no stress, we internalize it. Men are best, or should I say worst, at this. They don’t express their feelings often, so they keep it inside creating inner turmoil and stress.

Anxiety – this is our internal chaos stress. Where we have learnt to worry and become anxious over small issues. This is our negative thought patterns taking control, so that any stress becomes larger than it should.

Change – all change is stressful. Changing jobs, shifting house, divorce, deaths etc. We are in an ever changing world so change is all around us and affects us on a regular basis.

Family – the dynamics of family life are stressful. You have to put food on the table, clothes on your back and your children’s. There are personality clashes, conflicts and arguments which are all stressful.

Relationships – is there a perfect relationship? There are good times, bad times and times in between. Our lives change with time and our relationships will change also.

Environment – this is not just nature and its’ upheavals, but where we live. Do you live in a large city? Do we have sufficient working space? Is the air polluted? Governments? Our environment is always stressful, as it changes constantly.

Work Stress – this is the bigger area of stress as we work too hard and work too many hours. We have bosses that can be difficult or employees who don’t perform.

Nutrition and Diet – although this is not an emotional stress, it does create emotional effects if it is too unbalanced. When we are stressed we eat a lot of sugar foods, drink coffee, alcohol etc. So diet and nutrition can add to our stresses once we are already under pressure. Chemicals and additives also are a stress on our digestion and immune systems which can lead to fatigue related stress problems.

The type of stress that affects us is wide and varied. This is just a few of the types of stress that affect us. There are numerous others you can list. But as stress is all around us, what can you do?

It is not the type of stress that is important, but how we cope and deal with it

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