Monday, February 20, 2012

Emotional Freedom Technique

Imagine having all your negative thoughts, memories and behaviors vanished. Imagine having the confidence to accomplish anything you want. Imagine having the independence to do what you previously fear.

And how about a healthy, pain-free body? And would you enjoy freedom over your addiction for smoking… drugs, coffee, alcohol… or liberty to remove just about every unbeneficial feeling or behavior causing you harm - in minutes?

These are just some of the remarkable advantages and fringe benefits you can have with perhaps the most powerful alternative healing technique you’ll ever discover.

Hard to believe? Perhaps. But I’m not asking you to believe anything just yet, until you see evidence for yourself.

All I ask is that you refrain from disbelieving while I show you my proof. It will take just a few minutes, yet the rewards can be enormous because from all over the world, people who used this technique have later reported improvements in:

  • Intense bad memories
  • Depression
  • Uncontrolled anger
  • Unrestrained sadness
  • Obstructive thought habits
  • Hatred for self & other
  • Traumas
  • Stress
  • Panic attack/Unfocused thoughts
  • Procrastination
  • And more!
Now what if I told you the list above is only a fraction of what’s possible to improve with? What if you have thousands of other negative thought patterns, behaviors, emotional responses or psychological barriers… and you can now eliminate them as you want, whenever you want to?

If mental or physical barriers seem to trouble you and drift you apart from the life you dream of… and you have deep desires to make positive changes happen in your life right now—then this is surely, going be one of the most important letters you ever read.

Before we show you the ‘full scoop’ however, let’s first see how it all started, shall we?
    EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), the Art of Tapping to Release
    All Negative Emotions Stored in Your Memory

    My name is Magnus and I’ve been teaching EFT for several years.

    Because I couldn’t restrain myself any further seeing people living their lives in pain every day—all without this ‘half-miracle’ technique to alleviate their sufferings and live the life they want (like how hundreds and thousands of fortunate and pleased insider practitioners from all corners of the world are currently benefiting from it every day)…

    I’ve finally decided to combine all the most effective, fastest and efficient EFT techniques into one suitable method to be made known and easy for anyone willing to learn it to discover for their own.

    And even though EFT can be used to give relief to the ill (by reasons you’ll soon realize as you read down this page), what I’m most passionate to share with you is how you can use this technique to gain freedom and control over your mind once again.

    In fact when you have this area solved, your body will begin to naturally respond in such a way so it’s immune to most physical obstructions… allow you to live with your mind in harmony—and give you a state of mind so powerful, so focused & so dependable you’ll feel close to being invincible.

    Most of all, your results will last, and whenever new negative patterns emerge you’ll get to tap them away. It’s like having full dictating power over your entire life from now on.

    I’m really intrigued about EFT because of its sheer power in helping people relieve their most unwanted problems. Just the thought of having such ability to never be affected by bad memories, behavior patterns and much more would already get my heart racing fast!

    Realizing you can learn what I’ve discovered throughout these years, I knew there had to be a widespread way to let you and all other troubled friends in the world to benefit from this technique.

    That’s why I’ve dedicated the last few years into studying it, gathering my discoveries and combining what I realized into one amazing resource for everyone to find out. And you’re about to reap all the rewards from my efforts in a while…

    Now I like to refer EFT as Tapping because it’s easier to understand for most people. For this reason, we’ll call it Tapping as we continue!

    How Tapping Works

    By now you’re probably wondering why Tapping works, and how exactly does it give you the results you’re after.

    Well it all comes from China.

    According to the Chinese, our human body is comprised of meridian points where ‘Chi’ flows. The reason we feel feelings in different parts of the body, is because each feeling is held in a different meridian.

    For example we tend to feel nervous feelings in our stomach, angry feelings in our forehead, stressed feelings in our shoulders.

    When energy flow is blocked and unbalanced somewhere along that meridian in our body, it will cause different ailments and dysfunctions to our mental or physical health.

    That is why in the beginning, people use acupuncture to balance out the ‘Chi’ flow of an ill person’s body. However, what eventually came out of research now shows you can send similar ‘shockwaves’—like when needles are poked into the body and stimulating meridian points—simply by Tapping on them!

    So instead of having to get immobile putting needles all over your body, Tapping can now give you the same results anytime you want and at anywhere you choose to do it.

    Simple and Easy to Learn

    As you will soon discover, Tapping is most of the time same in its sequence. The biggest difference between what I’m about to teach you and what others show will be the advanced Tapping methods & inductions involved to help you gain freedom & control over your mind once again.

    With what I’m about to reveal, you’ll understand exactly what to tap when you have a problem. You’ll know how to move on if Tapping doesn’t seem to resolve your problems fully—which aren’t taught in basic EFT guides.

    (Tip*: When it works, you’ll feel immediate relief & confidence on what your mind previously fears or feels uncomfortable with.)

    You see, sometimes it works instantly with issues you identify on first impression; sometimes there are little subtle reasons generating destruction power behind struggles most people wouldn’t think would matter.

    Once you tap them, it’s done. But until you work out what they are, they can still mess you up. So what’s the solution to get results fast? We’ll touch on that in a minute, but let’s first take a quick view on how most of your upsetting problems come about!

    How Do Your Negative Thoughts & Emotional Responses Come About

    From an excerpt of my notes after years of research: “There is a basic mechanism by which the human mind associates negative feelings with memories as they are created in present time. When we are later unconsciously reminded of the memory, we feel the feeling.

    This is an animalistic survival mechanism evolved to protect us from danger and warn us against repeating actions which, in the past threatened our survival.

    In order to respond very fast to danger, this survival mechanism generalizes on a wide scale. It also matches current situations to past memories in a loose way. With the complexities of modern life, it becomes confused and sometimes goes wrong on caution, triggering inappropriate feelings in certain situations.

    Because of this reason, our survival mechanism is responsible for the overwhelming mental and emotional problems (including inconveniences such as severe success barriers, social anxieties, failing to maintain a happy relationship and more) we experience every day.

    Each negative feeling corresponds to a similar portion of physical tension held somewhere in the body, which wastes energy and restricts the flow of blood and lymph (otherwise known as ‘Chi’).”

    This explains why you will stay in a troubled or stressed state if negative feelings are persistently stimulated in your body. When this happens, your body uses more resources on maintaining a fight or flight response rather than maintaining your health and wellbeing as a person!

    But with Tapping, you can now eliminate all these problems. And you can eliminate them fast.

    To hand you my advanced ‘secrets’ to Tapping your problems away in the shortest period of time, I have compiled my researches and knowledge in one book.

    Yes, after days and nights jotting my everyday experience, leaving out what’s unnecessary, compiling what is crucial to know and use in order to tap away people’s most disturbing negative thoughts… memories… emotions… behavior patterns—almost all you can think of removing from your life…

    Finally I’ve gathered a series of valuable lessons to teach anyone—no matter what conditions they’re in—how to relieve and eliminate their deepest problems to reaching their better self, to gain freedom & control over their mind and get what they deserve again in wealth, health & relationships!

    It piled a 134-page manuscript from every hard-earned experience I’ve gone through in the past years, advanced Tapping ‘secrets’ for self-development and relevant stories of how you can apply what works like magic for many others into your life as well (and you can learn them all within one day!)—

    I truly believe you’ll be a changed person if you but follow the step-by-step instructions and insights revealed.

    Will you be interested to read further into it? If you answer “yes” to this question.. please visit :

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