Saturday, February 11, 2012

Reiki for Natural Stress Relief

Reiki is one of the oldest techniques for natural stress relief.

This spiritual practice was developed in Japan by Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist, in 1922. Since then, reiki continues to be used as a healing treatment for stress, anxiety and other emotional as well as physical ills. Reiki is derived from 2 Japanese terms 'rei' and 'ki'. The first word means "Wisdom of God or a Higher Being" and the second term means "life force energy". As such, this natural stress relief treatment, using transliteration, could also mean "universal life force energy".

So what does reiki look like in practice? In general, the reiki practitioner uses the "hands on", palm healing technique. People who undergo this natural stress relief treatment are fully clothed and lie down in a quiet and relaxing environment. The practitioner then places his palms on or over the patient in seven (7) classic positions, holding each position for approximately 3 - 5 minutes before moving on to the next. These positions correspond to the seven chakras (energy centers) of the body. The practitioner acts as a conduit for the reiki energy to flow into the recipient's body and to wherever needed for maximum healing benefit.

Reiki healing can also be administered remotely. The physical distance between practitioner and recipient does not affect the efficacy of the treatment. The long distance session can be scheduled for mutual convenience but a Reiki practitioner can transmit healing energy at any time.

Reiki treatment is a subjective experience that can vary from session to session. Sometimes, the benefits of the treatment are obvious while the effects are more subtle other times. Trust! A session is usually very relaxing with the recipient feeling peaceful and secure. He or she may also experience warmth, tingling and/or floating sensations. Reiki raises the recipient's vibrational frequency and re-opens the body's energy flow, allowing healing at a cellular level. It has helped all forms of illness and negative conditions and works well with traditional medical and psychological treatments. The Reiki energy flowing from healer to client can release grief, anger, anxiety, sadness, confusion, insecurities, fear and other negative feelings. This emotional release will invoke a calm state followed by a more energized body newly freed from the burden of stored negative emotions. Can you see why this is such a powerful natural stress relief treatment?

Like most natural stress relief methods, Reiki is very safe. No drugs or additional apparatus are needed. The method is popular in Japan, around the world and has gained currency in America in recent years as a treatment for emotional and physical dis-ease. Costs vary due to geographical differences but generally you can expect to pay from $25 to $100 for a reiki treatment depending on session length, the healer's experience and training level as well as the type of treatment administered (remote v. in-house). So if you're looking for a natural stress relief method to restore balance and reduce stress, you'll want to consider Reiki.

Jennifer Purcell is a stress management expert. After suffering for many years with unmanageable stress and anxiety, she stopped being a victim and found a way out for herself. After years of research and testing, she has brought together some of the best stress remedies she used to transform her life. If you want to go from high stress and anxiety to managing and reducing your stress effectively, then Jennifer is the right person for you. By incorporating a few techniques into your daily routine, you can transform your life as well.

Jennifer's hands on experience and success has stoked a passion in her to help others avoid the pitfalls of stress and reclaim their lives. She now runs a website dedicated to educating her readers about effective and natural alternatives to medication for reducing stress and successful stress management.

Do you want to live a happier, more productive life without the shackles of stress? Click here and start reducing your stress today!

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